Monday 3 November 2014


It’s raining, it’s pouring…you think, “I wish I could just crack a window.” So you do. Then you guiltily close it again as water accumulates on the sill.
This scenario exemplifies why awning windows are so great; because they are hinged at the top and swing outward, you can still get a little fresh air, even when it’s raining out.
This is just one of the benefits of an awning window.

What are Awning Windows?

Awning windows are a member of the casement window family. Rather than being hung/hinged from the side, they are a top hung window which open outwards from the bottom.
Depending on the style of awning window you choose, you may use a turn crank or simply push them. In most cases, they are also smaller than a traditional window. You often see them in a series running along the top of a room or above patio doors.



Ventilation through the rain

As mentioned above, being able to open your windows, even just a crack, when it’s raining can be so refreshing. The downward angle will keep the rain running off the windows to the ground below.
Of course, you need to exercise caution if it’s breezy or windy to protect your home from interior moisture damage. They are an affordable choice for basements and attics where a little ventilation is always appreciated.


These windows are easy on the budget. Consider vinyl replacement windows as they are practically impermeable to water damage (for those open-window-rainy-days) and will maximize energy efficiency along with your budget.

Let there be light

Awning windows are an excellent choice to add light to a basement or any other “cave-like” space in the house. They’re not recommended as the only window option in bedrooms because they aren’t as secure as other window options. They are also difficult to climb out of in an emergency since they open at an angle.


Awning windows are a great application for a room in which you desire privacy. You can set them high up on a wall, out of the viewing range of nosy passersby, and you will benefit from natural lighting and ventilation.



While this could be more inspiration to start attending your local yoga class, the way the windows open make them a little awkward to clean.
Pair that with the fact that many are located higher up, and you can see the dilemma. However, they do give you the opportunity to throw some business at your local window cleaning company.


These aren’t necessarily the safest windows, even with a locking mechanism. If safety is what you are looking for, you can go back and revisit “Casement Windows” or install a picture window.
That being said, the safety risk is minimal, especially if the windows are set higher on the wall.
If you are in the process of deciding which replacement windows are best for your window application, we would love to help. Give us a call and make an appointment.

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